Legal chic Archives - Legal Cheek Legal news, insider insight and careers advice Tue, 11 Sep 2018 08:14:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Legal chic Archives - Legal Cheek 32 32 Squire Patton Boggs leisurewear is an actual thing Tue, 11 Sep 2018 08:10:15 +0000 You can also purchase footballs, tote bags and 100 meters of the international outfit's personalised satin ribbon

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You can also purchase footballs, tote bags and 100 meters of the international outfit’s personalised satin ribbon

Squire Patton Boggs clothing

The reason you’ll rarely hear ‘branded’ and ‘leisurewear’ in the same sentence in corporate law circles is, hopefully, fairly obvious (clue: it rarely ends well).

Take Squire Patton Boggs (SPB) for example. The international law firm is flogging a range of brightly coloured t-shirts featuring its logo — front and back — via its online store.

T-shirts Squire Patton Boggs

If that wasn’t enough, the US-headquartered global outfit has also stuck its branding on tote bags, bandanas, polo shirts and baseball caps.


The more sports-minded fans of SPB are also well catered for, with branded footballs, golf balls and drinks bottles.

Squire Patton Boggs football

Looking for 100 meters of satin ribbon and have a budget of £31.90? Well don’t panic, the firm has got you covered there, too!

Squire Patton Boggs ribbon

This, however, isn’t the first time a law firm has dabbled in corporate clobber. Earlier this summer, Legal Cheek brought you the fashion stylings of Womble Bond Dickinson in the form of its new branded fleece gilet. Available through its US ‘Team Store’ (strapline: ‘Telling our brand’s story through amazing products’), the outfit will also happily sell you, among other things, branded tea bags.

Womble Bond Dickinson Tea Bags

The post Squire Patton Boggs leisurewear is an actual thing appeared first on Legal Cheek.

Introducing the law firm fleece gilet Fri, 10 Aug 2018 09:51:51 +0000 US penchant for business casual is a test for transatlantic tie-up

The post Introducing the law firm fleece gilet appeared first on Legal Cheek.

US penchant for business casual is a test for transatlantic tie-up

There are many wonderful things about transatlantic mergers: offices in exciting places, new colleagues infused with American positivity and niceness, and of course access to a legal market worth a staggering $437 billion (£340 billion).

But there are downsides, too: the pressure to work longer hours to keep up with superior US productivity, the awkward chats about politics with the Make America Great Again contingent, the terrible coffee, the popular embrace of business casual wear…

Which brings us to the law firm-branded fleece gilet (pictured above) that Womble Bond Dickinson’s US arm is flogging, along with a host of other awful pieces of clobber, from its new ‘Team Store’ (strapline: ‘Telling our brand’s story through amazing products’).

The 2018 Firms Most List

It’s safe to say that it wasn’t this aspect of Womble Carlyle that drove the UK’s Bond Dickinson into its arms when the two hooked up last year to create a megafirm with revenues of approximately £340 million, and over 420 partners and 1,000 lawyers across 24 offices globally.

The Womble Bond Dickinson Team store — which was first spotted by RollOnFriday — also features branded goods for the home, the office and the golf course.

So far the Womble Bond Dickinson merger has been considered a success, albeit in a buoyant market without any major headwinds. How the firm collectively deals with its branded fleece gilet will surely be the first real test.

The post Introducing the law firm fleece gilet appeared first on Legal Cheek.
