Tag: CILEx

Legal profession at loggerheads over CILEX regulation
SRA v Law Society

Lord Harley’s return to legal profession squashed by CILEx
Chartered legal executive regulator bans Alan Blacker for failing to disclose past misconduct

SQE rival for school leavers gets go-ahead
CILEX says new route to qualification will be "more affordable" than Solicitors Qualifying Exam

CILEx launches SQE rival for school leavers
Training body creates new route to lawyer qualification which will cost a maximum of £12.5k

Ex-Eversheds Sutherland legal assistant banned after faking manager’s signature
On CILEx application

Ban for legal assistant who lied about passing exams
‘Altered’ letter to show CILEx assessment success

Pride 2019: Lawyers take to London’s streets to celebrate LGBT+ rights
Pride Jubilee marked half-century since Stonewall uprising
The reality of taking the CILEx route: ‘I work just as hard as a solicitor for less money and less respect’
An anonymous trainee legal exec thinks attitudes to the apprenticeship need to change
Lawyers champion ‘recyclable’ fund to finance civil cases where legal aid can’t
If you win your case, some of your damages go back into the fund
City lawyers can’t agree if they should fill the legal aid gap
National Pro Bono week kicks off with a disagreement about Justice Secretary Michael Gove's grand plan
From asylum seeker to legal apprentice
Years of fighting to stay in Britain got Muna Ahmed interested in the law
Law Society ditches ‘legal executive of the year’ prize as new path emerges to rival training contract
For the first time since 2008 there will be no ‘legal executive of the year’...
‘Much Of What I Thought I Knew, And What Other People Had Told Me, Would Turn Out To Be Wrong’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
Will The Next Generation Of Apprentice Lawyers Become Solicitors Or Legal Executives?
Over Christmas, the announcement by minister for skills Matthew Hancock that school-leavers students will soon...
‘As Just A Normal Bloke I Couldn’t Imagine Myself Being Able To Make It Into This Exclusive Club’
Ed note: This is the fifth in a series of posts where leading members of...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 8 November
Barrister celebrates 90th birthday in…court [Joshua Rozenberg via Twitter] UK’s relationship with the Council of...
Please, No More ‘Nietzsche And The Law’! Why Americans Are Looking Enviously At The GDL Route To Legal Qualification
In comparison to our odd system of legal education – which sprawls haphazardly from the...
‘Ditch University Snobbery’, Says Lawyer-Turned-MP Whose Oxford AND Cambridge Degrees Helped Him Net Linklaters Job
There’s more evidence of the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do mentality that is coming to define this government in...
A Neat Solution To The Legal Education And Training Puzzle
At the end of the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR) symposium yesterday, I got...
‘How Will I Ever Come Out In Front Of Partners Who Say: ‘I Can’t Watch One Foot In The Grave Because That Richard Wilson Is Gay’?’
The words of solicitor-advocate and Law Society council member Keith Etherington, as he recalls how...