Tag: Jobs

Which unis offer law grads the best chance of securing a job?
New stats reveal the law schools with the highest -- and lowest -- 'positive outcomes' 15 months down the line

The perfect law grad is a ‘team player’ with ‘excellent communication skills’, according to research
Data bods use job ads to identify key qualities employers seek from legally-minded uni leavers

Majority of legal workers expect a pay rise within next year, study finds
One fifth feel confident in securing a promotion despite coronavirus effect on economy

Over half of legal workers stressed about job hunting amid coronavirus
One in four have put their search on hold
Law graduate paralegal positions going at top City firms — deadlines near
Bumper load of roles at Hogan Lovells, Norton Rose Fulbright and Pinsent Masons on Legal Cheek Jobs this week
Lord Neuberger’s Judicial Assistant Lifts The Lid On Supreme Court Life
Amid the glow of the UK Supreme Court’s psychedelic carpets (the work of Sgt Pepper’s...
JOB ALERT: Russian-Speaking Paralegal
From Baby Barristers: a leading London-based international law firm seeks a paralegal who speaks fluent...
Why Law Students’ Cluelessness About The Legal Market Could Consign Them To Paralegal Purgatory
The other day I had a coffee with the guy who many of the top...
JOB ALERT: Immigration Paralegal
From Baby Barristers: a well-regarded London law firm seeks a law graduate to join its...
Why Unemployed Law Graduates Should Ignore The Trend To Go Out On The Street And Hustle For a Job
Earlier this week, a City lawyer told me that his firm had experienced a “surge”...
Law Grad’s Hip Hop Video About Securing Job At Top Firm
Mike Lickver (pictured) has crowned his journey from law school to landing a job at...
What’s Going On At 36 Bedford Row?
News has reached us that several senior members of 36 Bedford Row’s clerking team are...
Fleein’ To The…Aegean? Graduate Job Strategy Of The Week
Spotted over the weekend on thestudentroom.co.uk… “Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows how...
Might Even Graduates Of ‘Reputable’ Unis Struggle To Write Decent Essays When They’re Paid Just £43 Per 1,000 Words?
Last week, an essay-writing company posted an ad seeking law graduates with “a minimum Undergraduate...
Law Graduate Sought For Barristers Chambers Job That Is ‘Not a Step Into Legal Work’
Amid falling training contract and pupillage numbers, these are bleak times for law graduates. Still,...
‘I Would Like To Extend You a Counter-Offer To Suck My Dick’: Law School Dropout’s Job Chances Scotched As Email Goes Viral
We haven’t had a legal profession viral email story since the ‘spitroast trainee’ Daniel England...
ADVICE: ‘Which Training Contract Offer Should I Accept?!’
UPDATE 4pm: XXX chose the London firm LPC graduate XXX XXXX (name removed) is facing...
Jobless Law Graduate Releases YouTube Ballad
How tragic unemployment is. And what terrible things it can do to people, especially the...
The GDL: Too Much Whine, Not Enough Time
Wannabe lawyers need to be more Margaret Thatcher and less Nick Clegg if they are...
An LLM Can ‘Count Against’ Training Contract Hunters
LLMs are intellectually tough, time-consuming and not all law firms like them, warns LegalAware Students...
Bar Should Be Restricted To Russell Group Graduates
Why incur the cost and hassle of an aptitude test to limit entry onto the...