Category: Comment

In defence of the solicitor super-exam… an NQ’s perspective

The SQE will stop the LPC gamble

Jan 13 2017 9:35am

Taking the fear out of being different at the bar

Hardwicke’s Brie Stevens-Hoare QC on why she’s backing FreeBar, a new bar-wide LGBT+ initiative

Jan 12 2017 10:50am

Withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights – the next Brexit?

Catgate PM talks of "clean break" with European court and convention

Jan 10 2017 9:20am

Article 127: the new Brexit legal stumbling block?

And it wasn't a lawyer or a law academic who spotted it

Dec 2 2016 9:18am

Why the new higher education bill is not the solution for improving the state of legal education

Will the negative consequences outweigh its good intentions?

Sep 20 2016 12:55pm

The Russell Group bubble looks like it might burst

Status-obsessed legal profession may tire of brand that has lost its sheen

Sep 12 2016 10:28am

Not coming to the UK anytime soon: Brexit

Lawyers are set to be busy working out how the UK’s departure from the EU will happen -- if, that is, it ever does

Jun 27 2016 12:00pm

Could Tinder help you get a training contract?

I’m not talking about widening the age range on your profile so you can match with partners

Jun 23 2016 11:25am

Mayoral Result: Lawyers 1; Old Etonians 0

Sadiq Khan nicks a goal back for the profession in centuries old battle with the privileged as to who should run country

May 10 2016 2:27pm

Is a 2:1 the new 2:2 for law students?

Miss out on Oxbridge and it's increasingly a first class degree or bust if you want to make it to the bar or the magic circle

Apr 18 2016 9:51am

Comment is free — but it can be costly

As The Telegraph announces the suspension of online reader comments, a media lawyer explains the law below the line

Feb 23 2016 4:02pm

Why City law firms don’t need to keep in touch with work experience students

If they want to build ties, students should show some initiative and send an email

Feb 15 2016 9:01am

Katie Hopkins writes an article on the European Union — and gets the law horribly wrong

Errors that would make a first year law student blush

Nov 11 2015 3:38pm

Lord Sumption’s take on ethnic diversity is as disappointing as his approach to gender

Supreme Court judge's recent remarks on women judges make his past diversity pronouncements -- which have been highlighted to defend his current stance on gender -- worth revisiting

Oct 13 2015 11:27am

The Judge Rules: Charlotte Proudman should never have let herself become the story

A cannier operator would have exposed 'sexist' message while keeping her identity hidden

Sep 11 2015 9:38am

Comments of week

The best from below the line

Sep 4 2015 4:13pm

The Judge Rules: Bye-bye LPC and training contract, hello unified bar exam

Kaplan’s demise triggers speculation that a streamlined qualification process will arrive sooner than many anticipated

Aug 28 2015 10:30am

The Judge Rules: Anything less than a 100% qualifying lawyer retention is a law firm fail

Training contracts provide large global practices with a recruitment safety net -- but that’s not good for their businesses

Aug 14 2015 1:27pm

The Judge Rules: career-focused millennials spell doom for the GDL

Like James Blunt, the law conversion course is just so 2005

Aug 7 2015 12:34pm