Tag: Bar professional training course

Top judge slams BSB over ‘injustice’ to student wrongly kicked off bar training course
Ryan Eve vindicated in High Court after regulator's blunders

Bar course pass rates drop 18% during pandemic
Just 10% of BPTC grads started pupillage in 2020-21, new stats show

Bar exam bosses apologise for last summer’s chaos after damning independent review
Outside experts heavily critical of online set-up that left some students locked out and others urinating in bottles and buckets

Top law prof to oversee independent review into summer bar exam fiasco
BSB announces appointment of Hull Uni pro-vice chancellor Rebecca Huxley-Binns

BSB reveals bar exam pass rates following summer proctoring problems
Scores consistent with previous years, says regulator -- if you don't count students who encountered IT issues

Exam waiver ‘not an option now or in the future’, says BSB
Fallout between regulator and students rumbles on

Bar students won’t be told their exam results before resits
BSB says it's not possible to release grades sooner for 'quality assurance' reasons

Bar exams latest: BSB pushes ahead with ‘pen and paper’ October resits
One third of exams beset by technical difficulties, regulator confirms

Petition calling for botched bar exams to be scrapped attracts over 1,200 signatures
Just grade us on the rest of the BPTC, students urge

Bar exams: BSB plans to offer ‘pen and paper’ resits as soon as possible
Regulator will launch 'lessons learned review' of testing issues

BPTC student ‘forced to defer’ exams over fears she’d have to remove headscarf for male invigilator
BSB says proctoring partner could not guarantee female assessor due to increased demand during pandemic

Proctoring problems: Bar students urinate in bottles and buckets over fears online exams will be terminated
One barrister hopeful is said to have worn an adult diaper

BPTC students report being locked out of online ethics exam
BSB says the 'great majority' did manage to finish their assessment

BPTC student raises bias and privacy concerns over exam proctoring
BSB says online exams aren't 'discriminatory' but union have come out in support of students wanting to pursue potential legal action

Regulator apologises to BPTC students following exam booking chaos
Some spent several hours on the line only to be hung up on or told to call back later

COVID-19: BSB pushes ahead with online exams — but offers students test centre option
Regulator publishes fresh guidance

Boost pupillage numbers by building a WeWork-style co-working space on one of the Inn’s ‘grand gardens’, says aspiring barrister
She accepts it may be difficult to execute

BPTC students hit record numbers — but securing pupillage remains a big problem
1,753 bar hopefuls enrolled in 2018

BSB: A response to BPTC students’ exam concerns
We will seek to ensure online assessment arrangements are fair for all, writes BSB director of regulatory operations Oliver Hanmer

BPTC students urge regulator to reconsider COVID-19 exam plans
93% of bar hopefuls surveyed believe BSB's proposals will negatively impact their performance

Bar regulator’s COVID-19 exam proposals could prejudice female students
Former BPTC student and future barrister Sarah Ismail considers why