Tag: Employment law

The Workers Act 2023: What does it mean in practice?
Anglia Ruskin law student Olga Kyriakoudi explores its implications

Why ‘people awareness’ is just as important as commercial awareness when it comes to being an employment lawyer
Irwin Mitchell's Padma Tadi-Booth talks key skills and flexible working

One employment lawyer explains how a love of puzzles makes his job feel more like a hobby
Squire Patton Boggs partner Bryn Doyle talks law and a passion for problem-solving

A junior lawyer talks career change and expanding access to the profession
Mills & Reeve associate Louis Geary-Smith reflects on his move form marketing to law

An employment partner offers her views on hybrid working, AI and career breaks
Osborne Clarke’s Olivia Sinfield reflects on her work and why raising a family has made her a better lawyer

You don’t have to be ‘fun’ at work, says French court
Worker wins dismissal claim after refusing to join in ‘humiliating and intrusive' social events

Tributes pour in after TikTok star solicitor Richard Grogan dies
'We will miss his energy, humour, and deep commitment to the profession,' the Law Society of Ireland says

‘Lawyers are like translators — your client must be able to understand and apply your advice’
ULaw Bloomsbury campus dean Sandie Gaines reflects on her time as an employment lawyer, the skills future lawyers need to succeed and why London is a great place to train

Old Firm: The match verdict on philosophical belief
Some say football is a religion, but does fervent support for Rangers FC amount to “philosophical belief”?

GDL student taken on as consultant solicitor’s ‘personal legal secretary’ after meeting at Playboy casino was not employee of firm, tribunal finds
Judge described lawyer's behaviour as "extraordinary"
Uber drivers are workers, rules Supreme Court
Aspiring barrister Joshua Xerri looks at the much-talked about employment case

The future of interim relief in discrimination claims
Employment tribunal advocate Thomas Fuller examines the recent case of Steer v Stormsure Ltd

The global pandemic and its impact on employment law
Burges Salmon employment lawyers explain how they navigate ever-shifting coronavirus workplace issues, guidance and regulations

What the second lockdown means for employment lawyers
Bryn Doyle, an employment partner at Squire Patton Boggs’ Manchester office, talks furlough and restructuring on the high street

Why diversity and inclusion must become a ‘critical business priority’
RPC employment partner Kelly Thomson explains how, as businesses plan for the future world of work, it is important they hold onto the lessons learnt during the pandemic

My life as an employment lawyer
Luke Bowery, partner at Burges Salmon, considers some of the current issues at play for employment lawyers in the wake of COVID-19 and recent widespread social movements

How coronavirus has led to a surge in work for employment lawyers
CMS trainee Oliver Bristow explains why employment lawyers are more in-demand than ever
Uber in the Supreme Court: The case so far
BPTC student Joshua Xerri provides a summary of this week's two-day hearing and considers some of the wider issues impacting the so-called ‘gig-economy’

What it takes to be an employment lawyer
ULaw campus dean Amanda Hedayati reflects on her legal career ahead of tonight’s 'Secrets to Success' event in Manchester

The ethical veganism case: a reflection of a progressive society
Discrimination lawyer Yara Ali-Adib looks at last week's headline-grabbing ruling