Tag: AI

AI creativity machine to have its day in Supreme Court

Decision likely to come next year

Sep 14 2022 10:08am

Has a robot really just hired a lawyer?

Chatbot seeks legal rep after becoming sentient, claims AI engineer

Jun 27 2022 12:22pm

Mishcon teams up with UCL to fund lawtech PhD

Four-year fellowship will explore use of AI in legal sector

Apr 11 2022 9:50am

‘A new Wild West’: Lords urge better oversight of AI in justice

Justice and Home Affairs Committee warns legislation is failing to keep pace with tech

Mar 31 2022 9:50am

Put your trust in computational antitrust

Law student Tanzeel ur Rehman explains how AI is being used to revolutionise competition laws

Feb 3 2022 10:33am

Has the Court of Appeal just trapped inventors in 1421?

Future magic circle trainee Will Holmes considers the 'historically absurd' definition of inventor following this week's DABUS patent ruling

Sep 24 2021 8:27am

How Brunelleschi’s boat is shaping the future of AI

Bristol University student and future trainee William Holmes explains how the Italian Renaissance has informed modern IP law

Mar 10 2021 11:57am

What Mediaeval animal trials can teach us about AI and the law

Future magic circle trainee William Holmes unlocks the method in 'Mediaeval madness'

Jul 21 2020 11:12am

Machine-learnt bias? Algorithmic decision making and access to criminal justice

The pressure on our criminal justice system is mounting -- but is algorithmic decision making the way forward? Queen Mary law grad Marina Wojcik addresses some of the concerns

Mar 18 2020 10:25am

Director of top London lawtech company Luminance faces US extradition over fraud allegations

Slaughter and May is a high profile backer of business

Nov 27 2019 8:50am

2020s is the decade of legal change, says Richard Susskind

Exclusive interview: AI and online courts will flourish and replace 'old ways of working'

May 23 2019 8:33am

Cambridge law student launches Lord Denning-inspired search engine

It seeks to draw on spirit of great judge through artificial intelligence

Apr 26 2017 8:59am