Category: LOL

Legal Cheek’s alternative predictions for the 2020s
The 2010s were pretty wild, but this decade could be crazier

Mark Wahlberg’s routine: the law student version
9:30am -- miss land law lecture

Kim Kardashian is a law student, says Kanye West
But reality star’s representatives have since clarified that she isn't actually in law school

You can take a tour of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal from the comfort of your own home
There are a lot of chairs
Barristerspeak decoded: A guide for solicitors, students and clients
Legal Cheek’s resident funny man Wigapedia returns with another helpful translator

Brick Court Chambers to show England’s World Cup clash against Croatia during posh summer soirée
Football's coming home... to a major gallery near you

Beano sends spoof cease and desist letter to Jacob Rees-Mogg
It orders MP to stop ‘masquerading’ as one its cartoon characters

Lindsay Lohan is now the face of a lawyer search engine
No, seriously

How many barristers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Bar funnyman Wigapedia returns to Legal Cheek to answer an age-old question...

Google Street View gets V sign from Kings Chambers window
He was simply explaining 'two important points', apparently

Legal Cheek’s alternative predictions for 2018
2017 was quite a ride -- this year could be even more of a rollercoaster
Decoding the language of barristers’ conferences
The venerable Wigapedia returns to Legal Cheek to translate counsel-speak
From Holiday Banta to Debra Smilley-Weiner: The lawyers with the funniest names
Weird and wonderful
There is actually a law firm called ‘Sorry Mate’
Road accident firm are 'biker driven bunch of professionals'
Manchester County Court just heard a case called Donoghue v Stevens
Unfortunately it didn't involve a snail or ginger beer
Ushering in a new Twitter star
'Brenda the Usher' is latest pseudonymic persona to hit social media, but who is she?
UKIP’s new logo is uncomfortably similar to BPP’s
Law school will be thrilled -- and not short of access to trademark advice