Tag: Mayer Brown

An employability expert’s top tips for training contract applications and interviews
How to work out your practice interests and write convincingly

Fast-paced work, lots of responsibility and unwavering support — one global law firm’s approach to solicitor training
Mayer Brown associate Charlotte Tarr on how she trained and qualified while managing a cancer diagnosis

Law firm leaders on what more can be done to protect junior lawyer wellbeing
Top brass shine a light on workplace wellness and offer their tips this Mental Health Awareness Week

Female City law firm leaders share words of wisdom on International Women’s Day
Legal Cheek asks those at the top of their game for advice to aspiring lawyers

Revealed: The best law firms for training and quality of work 2023
From top career development to big ticket deals -- which outfits do it best?

What it takes to succeed at a global law firm
Alexander Sperling, a corporate and securities associate in Mayer Brown’s London office, discusses his career journey so far and shares advice to future lawyers

UK law firms recognised for ‘family-friendly working’
DWF and Pinsent Masons make top 10 for flexible polices on annual charity list

Mayer Brown posts autumn retention score with one of the City’s first solicitor apprentices accepting NQ role
6 out of 9 rookies to stay put

Don’t disrupt associates’ holidays, Mayer Brown London boss tells partners
Unless it's a major emergency 🚨

Supercharge your training contract applications by completing The Legal Cheek Commercial Awareness Academy
Let top lawyers boost your business know-how

TikTok tours of some of the City’s fanciest law firm offices
Go beyond the plush lobbies

14 law firms named on LGBTQ+ employer list
Stonewall rankings recognise businesses efforts to create inclusive workplaces

NQ lawyer pay at Mayer Brown hits £105k
Rise for rookies too

Revealed: The best law firms for training and quality of work 2022
The results are in! Legal Cheek’s exclusive Trainee and Junior Lawyer Survey can reveal the law firms with the highest scores for training and quality of work

‘Own your experience as a law career changer’
Mayer Brown trainee Cheryl Stevart discusses her career journey from publishing to corporate law, ahead of her appearance at this week's virtual student event

Top City law firms feature on ‘family-friendly’ employers list
Annual charity-compiled index looks at flexi working polices and parental support

Mayer Brown retains 8 out of 10 NQ solicitors
80% autumn result

My life in law
Sally Davies on rising through the ranks to make Mayer Brown’s first female London managing partner

Revealed: The best law firms for training and quality of work 2020-21
The results are in! Legal Cheek’s exclusive survey can reveal the law firms with the highest scores for training and quality of work