Comments on: How election legislation has failed the UK’s visually-impaired voters Legal news, insider insight and careers advice Mon, 04 Sep 2023 12:26:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beth Mon, 04 Sep 2023 12:26:19 +0000 Great article – I’ve forwarded on to a blind lawyer friend of mine who runs ablog called the legally blind guy that you may find interesting!

By: Visually Impaired Barrister Mon, 04 Sep 2023 08:18:13 +0000 A very interesting read. My impairment is not too bad (partially sighted not blind), so I normally just strain my eyes and look at the logos when choosing – I had no idea that any kind of support was available, and I’m not sure the polling officers would have necessarily done either. Given that elections are relatively infrequent and when there are multiple they all get rolled into one, it would seem prudent to invest in some longer-term solutions.
