EU Law

GDPR vs. Freemium: why social media giants are winning
Aberdeen law student Iakov Shuvalov assesses GDPR's effectiveness in 'freemium' models, where 'free' services may compromise privacy

We need to give greater attention to positive obligations under human rights law
Such European rights should be taught and embraced more widely to uplift society's most vulnerable, argues aspiring barrister Jordan Briggs

GDPR: 1 year on
University of Edinburgh law student Nicole Pitches examines its impact over the past 12 months

A lawyer’s guide to advising clients in the event of a no deal Brexit
The sudden legal severance of UK law from EU law presents unique issues of interpretation for lawyers, whose task it will be to interpret and apply these rules in their new legal context, says Hogan Lovells’ Andrew Eaton

Supreme Court to consider Scotland’s EU exit legislation
Norton Rose Fulbright's senior knowledge lawyer Andrew Sheftel explains why

GDPR: Good for social media users, bad for business
The EU regulations may not be the change the world of data protection actually needed, says law graduate Chloe Amies in her shortlisted entry to the BARBRI International Privacy Law Blogging Prize

Brexit: Are we going to run out of time?
Politicians and academics grapple with Article 50 two-year deadline
How Brexit became its own practice area
Lawyers can now capitalise on a word that didn’t even exist a few years ago
What will Brexit mean for the energy sector?
It looks like Brexit means departure from the European common nuclear market too
Brexit: UK ratification of the Unified Patent Court Agreement soon seems politically unrealistic, says expert
The team explain why UK government is unlikely to ratify the agreement in the near future -- despite pressure to do so
The principle of subsidiarity in EU law, and who is supposed to police it
Is it the job of politicians, judges, or both?
Could new EU legislation spell the end for vaping?
Vapers hold their breath as EU finalises onslaught on e-cigarette industry
The MM case: Long distance couples challenge the ‘anti-love law’
Supreme Court ruling could lead to an influx of immigration