Human Rights

Privacy, celebrities and the media
It's a fine balance between the freedom of the press and the privacy of individuals, says newly qualified solicitor Aisha Hussain

Assisted dying: a new legal challenge
Motor neurone disease sufferer Phil Newby's far-reaching case launched last month

‘ISIS bride’ stripped of citizenship: what are her prospects on appeal?
In the Shamima Begum case, statelessness is the key legal issue

Yellow vests crisis: What are flash-balls and why haven’t they been banned?
As gory reports of injuries increase, French police are increasingly criticised for deploying this controversial weapon

Should the courts decide what is in the best interests of a child?
The judiciary is not suited to deal with the complexities of medical life-and-death scenarios

Modernising the Mental Health Act
KCL postgrad Emma Diack looks at the changes ahead

Assisted dying: Will the UK ever alter the law?
Yesterday's Supreme Court decision suggests not

Is the Supreme Court’s landmark life-support ruling a step closer to allowing assisted dying?
Patients in a vegetative state can now die without legal permission if doctors and family members are in agreement

ISIS Beatles: The UK government should not facilitate their execution just because it falls under another jurisdiction
What’s the point of having no death penalty in Britain if we extradite people to countries where they do?

GDPR: social media and the right to be forgotten
George Ketsopoulos speculates why teenagers learn Latin but not how the internet works in his shortlisted entry to the BARBRI International Privacy Law Blogging Prize

Clause 8(e): The Cambridge Analytica enabling clause
Law student Joe Ferris delves deep into the Data Protection Bill in his runner-up entry to the BARBRI International Privacy Law Blogging Prize

In opposition to data ownership
Should you be paid for every page you like on Facebook? Read the winning entry to the BARBRI International Privacy Law Blogging Prize, by UCL law student Natalie Chyi

Yarl’s Wood hunger strike shines a spotlight on the shameful way the UK runs its immigration centres
120 detainees refuse food in protest

Parliamentary bill fronted by nine-year-old boy spells landmark moment for organ donation
Everyone's talking about Max's Law
How the debate about animals feeling pain became headline news
Government has pledged to enshrine animal sentience into law, but how did we get here?
The fight for Gurkha justice is not over
Eurocentrism is making it harder for Gurkha children to settle in the UK
What’s the point of the Race Relations Act if black people are STILL discriminated against?
Fifty years since the act was passed and it’s not clear how far we’ve come
Why homosexual asylum seekers’ sexual identities are still not being respected
The Supreme Court's HJ judgment: a case comment
Jewish human rights: No need to boycott the boycotters, says High Court
Is this the biggest setback to British equality law in modern history?
Judges, you need to catch up with parliament in your treatment of transgender people
Stop reminding litigants what used to be between their legs